1 Dreams & Spirituality Spiritual Interpretation of Dreams
orvaleichmann edited this page 2 months ago

This literally excites me and helps me to accept that while I’m not feeling well, I know something bigger is going on. It’s like when I was young and my legs would hurt for no reason (or so I thought) and my granny would say, those are growing pains shuga, you’re growin! I used to think, well I don’t see anything happening, but boy was she right. It wasn’t until later in life I would realize just how right on she was with that phrase. When we are not feeling well it is life’s way of slowing us down so that we can fully rest and relax into the growth that is coming. This blog explores the history, meaning, symbolism, and unique characteristics of diamonds, why they have captivated hearts and minds for centuries, and what does a red ring around the moon mean spiritually makes them particularly special for those born in April.

The circle of the wreath, which has no beginning or end, symbolizes the eternity of God, the immortality of the soul, and the everlasting life we find in Christ. The wreath itself, which is made of various kinds of evergreens, signifies continuous life. Seeing 444 can indicate that financial opportunities are on the horizon. It can also mean that it’s a good time to find some more stability in your finances.

Ellison’s 1991 study was identified as a key study because it was one of the first studies to report on the relationship between religious/spiritual beliefs, life satisfaction, and personal happiness. In his seminal investigation, Ellison also uniquely examined four different aspects of religious involvement in assessing religiosity/spirituality. Goldstein’s study (2007) was identified as a key study due to its empirical clinical evidence (as well as qualitative interviews) that revealed the psychological importance of cultivating sacred moments in daily life.

Every person might resonate with one or several spirit animals, each bringing messages pertinent to their spiritual journey. We close by highlighting the next steps for this area of research and offer some applications for counselors, human resource professionals, and organizational leaders as well. A central integrative theme within the psychology of R/S is meaning making, especially the notion of religious meaning systems (Park &amp