GSI - Employe Self Service Mobile
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

175 lines
4.4 KiB

type ParserType =
type RequestMethod =
| 'GET'
| 'HEAD'
| 'POST'
| 'PUT'
| 'COPY'
| 'LOCK'
| 'MOVE'
| 'BIND'
| 'ACL'
| 'LINK'
| string
type StateHeaderKey =
type StateFinishAllowedKey =
type HeaderObject = Array<string>
type noop<T = void> = ()=> T
type HeaderInfo<HEADER = HeaderObject> = {
versionMajor: number
versionMinor: number
headers: HEADER
method: number
url: string
statusCode: number
statusMessage: string
upgrade: boolean
shouldKeepAlive: boolean
export type OnHeadersCompleteParser<HEADER = HeaderObject, Mode_0_12 extends boolean = true> = Mode_0_12 extends true
? (info: HeaderInfo<HEADER>)=> number | void
: (
versionMajor: number,
versionMinor: number,
headers: HEADER,
method: number,
url: string,
statusCode: number,
statusMessage: string,
upgrade: boolean,
shouldKeepAlive: boolean,
)=> number | void
export type OnBodyParser = (chunk: Buffer, offset: number, length: number)=> void
// Only called in the slow case where slow means
// that the request headers were either fragmented
// across multiple TCP packets or too large to be
// processed in a single run. This method is also
// called to process trailing HTTP headers.
export type OnHeadersParser = (headers: string[], url: string)=> void
declare class HTTPParserJS {
initialize(type: ParserType, async_resource?: unknown): void
// Some handler stubs, needed for compatibility
[HTTPParser.kOnHeaders]: OnHeadersParser
[HTTPParser.kOnHeadersComplete]: OnHeadersCompleteParser
[HTTPParser.kOnBody]: OnBodyParser
[HTTPParser.kOnMessageComplete]: noop
reinitialize: HTTPParserConstructor
close: noop
pause: noop
resume: noop
free: noop
private _compatMode0_11: false | boolean
getAsyncId: noop<0>
execute(chunk: Buffer, start?: number, length?: number): number | Error
finish(): void | Error
// These three methods are used for an internal speed optimization, and it also
// works if theses are noops. Basically consume() asks us to read the bytes
// ourselves, but if we don't do it we get them through execute().
consume: noop
unconsume: noop
getCurrentBuffer: noop
* For correct error handling - see HTTPParser#execute
* @example this.userCall()(userFunction('arg'));
userCall<T = unknown>(): (ret?: T)=> T
private nextRequest: noop
private consumeLine: noop<string|void>
parseHeader(line: string, headers: string[]): void
private REQUEST_LINE: noop
private RESPONSE_LINE: noop
shouldKeepAlive(): boolean
* For older versions of node (v6.x and older?), that return `skipBody=1` or `skipBody=true`, need this `return true;` if it's an upgrade request.
private HEADER(): void | boolean
private BODY_CHUNKHEAD(): void
private BODY_CHUNK(): void
private BODY_CHUNKTRAILERS(): void
private BODY_RAW(): void
private BODY_SIZED(): void
get onHeaders(): OnHeadersParser
set onHeaders(to: OnHeadersParser)
get onHeadersComplete(): OnHeadersCompleteParser
set onHeadersComplete(to: OnHeadersCompleteParser)
get onBody(): OnBodyParser
set onBody(to: OnBodyParser)
get onMessageComplete(): noop
set onMessageComplete(to: noop)
interface HTTPParserConstructor extends Function {
new(type?: ParserType): HTTPParserJS
(type?: ParserType): void
readonly prototype: HTTPParserJS
readonly methods: RequestMethod[]
encoding: 'ascii'|string
* maxHeaderSize (in bytes) is configurable, but 80kb by default;
* @default 80 * 1024 = 80kb
maxHeaderSize: 81920|number
// Note: *not* starting with kOnHeaders=0 line the Node parser, because any
// newly added constants (kOnTimeout in Node v12.19.0) will overwrite 0!
readonly kOnHeaders: 1
readonly kOnHeadersComplete: 2
readonly kOnBody: 3
readonly kOnMessageComplete: 4
kOnExecute(): void
export const HTTPParser: HTTPParserConstructor
export const methods: RequestMethod[]