GSI - Employe Self Service Mobile
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

570 lines
25 KiB

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.canonicalizeRefInput = exports.diagnoseAndFixProject = exports.confirm = exports.getSourceOrigin = exports.isLocalOrURLPath = exports.isLocalPath = exports.isUrlPath = exports.instanceIdExists = exports.promptForRepeatInstance = exports.promptForOfficialExtension = exports.displayReleaseNotes = exports.getPublisherProjectFromName = exports.createSourceFromLocation = exports.publishExtensionVersionFromLocalSource = exports.incrementPrereleaseVersion = exports.ensureExtensionsApiEnabled = exports.promptForValidInstanceId = exports.validateSpec = exports.validateCommandLineParams = exports.populateDefaultParams = exports.substituteParams = exports.getFirebaseProjectParams = exports.getDBInstanceFromURL = exports.AUTOPOULATED_PARAM_PLACEHOLDERS = exports.EXTENSIONS_BUCKET_NAME = exports.URL_REGEX = exports.logPrefix = exports.SourceOrigin = exports.SpecParamType = void 0;
const clc = require("colorette");
const ora = require("ora");
const semver = require("semver");
const { marked } = require("marked");
const TerminalRenderer = require("marked-terminal");
renderer: new TerminalRenderer(),
const api_1 = require("../api");
const archiveDirectory_1 = require("../archiveDirectory");
const utils_1 = require("./utils");
const functionsConfig_1 = require("../functionsConfig");
const adminSdkConfig_1 = require("../emulator/adminSdkConfig");
const resolveSource_1 = require("./resolveSource");
const error_1 = require("../error");
const diagnose_1 = require("./diagnose");
const askUserForParam_1 = require("./askUserForParam");
const ensureApiEnabled_1 = require("../ensureApiEnabled");
const storage_1 = require("../gcp/storage");
const projectUtils_1 = require("../projectUtils");
const extensionsApi_1 = require("./extensionsApi");
const refs = require("./refs");
const localHelper_1 = require("./localHelper");
const prompt_1 = require("../prompt");
const logger_1 = require("../logger");
const utils_2 = require("../utils");
const change_log_1 = require("./change-log");
const getProjectNumber_1 = require("../getProjectNumber");
const constants_1 = require("../emulator/constants");
const planner_1 = require("../deploy/extensions/planner");
var SpecParamType;
(function (SpecParamType) {
SpecParamType["SELECT"] = "select";
SpecParamType["MULTISELECT"] = "multiSelect";
SpecParamType["STRING"] = "string";
SpecParamType["SELECTRESOURCE"] = "selectResource";
SpecParamType["SECRET"] = "secret";
})(SpecParamType = exports.SpecParamType || (exports.SpecParamType = {}));
var SourceOrigin;
(function (SourceOrigin) {
SourceOrigin["OFFICIAL_EXTENSION"] = "official extension";
SourceOrigin["LOCAL"] = "unpublished extension (local source)";
SourceOrigin["PUBLISHED_EXTENSION"] = "published extension";
SourceOrigin["PUBLISHED_EXTENSION_VERSION"] = "specific version of a published extension";
SourceOrigin["URL"] = "unpublished extension (URL source)";
SourceOrigin["OFFICIAL_EXTENSION_VERSION"] = "specific version of an official extension";
})(SourceOrigin = exports.SourceOrigin || (exports.SourceOrigin = {}));
exports.logPrefix = "extensions";
const VALID_LICENSES = ["apache-2.0"];
exports.URL_REGEX = /^https:/;
exports.EXTENSIONS_BUCKET_NAME = (0, utils_2.envOverride)("FIREBASE_EXTENSIONS_UPLOAD_BUCKET", "firebase-ext-eap-uploads");
PROJECT_ID: "project-id",
EXT_INSTANCE_ID: "extension-id",
DATABASE_INSTANCE: "project-id-default-rtdb",
function getDBInstanceFromURL(databaseUrl = "") {
const instanceRegex = new RegExp("(?:https://)(.*)(?");
const matches = instanceRegex.exec(databaseUrl);
if (matches && matches.length > 1) {
return matches[1];
return "";
exports.getDBInstanceFromURL = getDBInstanceFromURL;
async function getFirebaseProjectParams(projectId, emulatorMode = false) {
var _a, _b;
if (!projectId) {
return {};
const body = emulatorMode
? await (0, adminSdkConfig_1.getProjectAdminSdkConfigOrCached)(projectId)
: await (0, functionsConfig_1.getFirebaseConfig)({ project: projectId });
const projectNumber = emulatorMode && constants_1.Constants.isDemoProject(projectId)
? constants_1.Constants.FAKE_PROJECT_NUMBER
: await (0, getProjectNumber_1.getProjectNumber)({ projectId });
const databaseURL = (_a = body === null || body === void 0 ? void 0 : body.databaseURL) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : `https://${projectId}`;
const storageBucket = (_b = body === null || body === void 0 ? void 0 : body.storageBucket) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : `${projectId}`;
const FIREBASE_CONFIG = JSON.stringify({
return {
PROJECT_ID: projectId,
PROJECT_NUMBER: projectNumber,
STORAGE_BUCKET: storageBucket,
DATABASE_INSTANCE: getDBInstanceFromURL(databaseURL),
exports.getFirebaseProjectParams = getFirebaseProjectParams;
function substituteParams(original, params) {
const startingString = JSON.stringify(original);
const applySubstitution = (str, paramVal, paramKey) => {
const exp1 = new RegExp("\\$\\{" + paramKey + "\\}", "g");
const exp2 = new RegExp("\\$\\{param:" + paramKey + "\\}", "g");
const regexes = [exp1, exp2];
const substituteRegexMatches = (unsubstituted, regex) => {
return unsubstituted.replace(regex, paramVal);
return regexes.reduce(substituteRegexMatches, str);
const s = Object.entries(params).reduce((str, [key, val]) => applySubstitution(str, val, key), startingString);
return JSON.parse(s);
exports.substituteParams = substituteParams;
function populateDefaultParams(paramVars, paramSpecs) {
const newParams = paramVars;
for (const param of paramSpecs) {
if (!paramVars[param.param]) {
if (param.default !== undefined && param.required) {
newParams[param.param] = param.default;
else if (param.required) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseError(`${param.param} has not been set in the given params file` +
" and there is no default available. Please set this variable before installing again.");
return newParams;
exports.populateDefaultParams = populateDefaultParams;
function validateCommandLineParams(envVars, paramSpec) {
const paramNames = => p.param);
const misnamedParams = Object.keys(envVars).filter((key) => {
return !paramNames.includes(key) && !AUTOPOPULATED_PARAM_NAMES.includes(key);
if (misnamedParams.length) {
logger_1.logger.warn("Warning: The following params were specified in your env file but do not exist in the extension spec: " +
`${misnamedParams.join(", ")}.`);
let allParamsValid = true;
for (const param of paramSpec) {
if (!(0, askUserForParam_1.checkResponse)(envVars[param.param], param)) {
allParamsValid = false;
if (!allParamsValid) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseError(`Some param values are not valid. Please check your params file.`);
exports.validateCommandLineParams = validateCommandLineParams;
function validateSpec(spec) {
const errors = [];
if (! {
errors.push("extension.yaml is missing required field: name");
if (!spec.specVersion) {
errors.push("extension.yaml is missing required field: specVersion");
if (!spec.version) {
errors.push("extension.yaml is missing required field: version");
if (!spec.license) {
errors.push("extension.yaml is missing required field: license");
else {
const formattedLicense = String(spec.license).toLocaleLowerCase();
if (!VALID_LICENSES.includes(formattedLicense)) {
errors.push(`license field in extension.yaml is invalid. Valid value(s): ${VALID_LICENSES.join(", ")}`);
if (!spec.resources) {
errors.push("Resources field must contain at least one resource");
else {
for (const resource of spec.resources) {
if (! {
errors.push("Resource is missing required field: name");
if (!resource.type) {
errors.push(`Resource${ ? ` ${}` : ""} is missing required field: type`);
for (const api of spec.apis || []) {
if (!api.apiName) {
errors.push("API is missing required field: apiName");
for (const role of spec.roles || []) {
if (!role.role) {
errors.push("Role is missing required field: role");
for (const param of spec.params || []) {
if (!param.param) {
errors.push("Param is missing required field: param");
if (!param.label) {
errors.push(`Param${param.param ? ` ${param.param}` : ""} is missing required field: label`);
if (param.type && !Object.values(SpecParamType).includes(param.type)) {
errors.push(`Invalid type ${param.type} for param${param.param ? ` ${param.param}` : ""}. Valid types are ${Object.values(SpecParamType).join(", ")}`);
if (!param.type || param.type === SpecParamType.STRING) {
if (param.options) {
errors.push(`Param${param.param ? ` ${param.param}` : ""} cannot have options because it is type STRING`);
if (param.type &&
(param.type === SpecParamType.SELECT || param.type === SpecParamType.MULTISELECT)) {
if (param.validationRegex) {
errors.push(`Param${param.param ? ` ${param.param}` : ""} cannot have validationRegex because it is type ${param.type}`);
if (!param.options) {
errors.push(`Param${param.param ? ` ${param.param}` : ""} requires options because it is type ${param.type}`);
for (const opt of param.options || []) {
if (opt.value === undefined) {
errors.push(`Option for param${param.param ? ` ${param.param}` : ""} is missing required field: value`);
if (param.type && param.type === SpecParamType.SELECTRESOURCE) {
if (!param.resourceType) {
errors.push(`Param${param.param ? ` ${param.param}` : ""} must have resourceType because it is type ${param.type}`);
if (errors.length) {
const formatted = => ` - ${error}`);
const message = `The extension.yaml has the following errors: \n${formatted.join("\n")}`;
throw new error_1.FirebaseError(message);
exports.validateSpec = validateSpec;
async function promptForValidInstanceId(instanceId) {
let instanceIdIsValid = false;
let newInstanceId = "";
const instanceIdRegex = /^[a-z][a-z\d\-]*[a-z\d]$/;
while (!instanceIdIsValid) {
newInstanceId = await (0, prompt_1.promptOnce)({
type: "input",
default: instanceId,
message: `Please enter a new name for this instance:`,
if (newInstanceId.length <= 6 || 45 <= newInstanceId.length) {"Invalid instance ID. Instance ID must be between 6 and 45 characters.");
else if (!instanceIdRegex.test(newInstanceId)) {"Invalid instance ID. Instance ID must start with a lowercase letter, " +
"end with a lowercase letter or number, and only contain lowercase letters, numbers, or -");
else {
instanceIdIsValid = true;
return newInstanceId;
exports.promptForValidInstanceId = promptForValidInstanceId;
async function ensureExtensionsApiEnabled(options) {
const projectId = (0, projectUtils_1.getProjectId)(options);
if (!projectId) {
return await (0, ensureApiEnabled_1.ensure)(projectId, "", "extensions", options.markdown);
exports.ensureExtensionsApiEnabled = ensureExtensionsApiEnabled;
async function archiveAndUploadSource(extPath, bucketName) {
const zippedSource = await (0, archiveDirectory_1.archiveDirectory)(extPath, {
type: "zip",
ignore: ["node_modules", ".git"],
const res = await (0, storage_1.uploadObject)(zippedSource, bucketName);
return `/${res.bucket}/${res.object}`;
async function incrementPrereleaseVersion(ref, extensionVersion, stage) {
var _a;
const stageOptions = ["stable", "alpha", "beta", "rc"];
if (!stageOptions.includes(stage)) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseError(`--stage flag only supports the following values: ${stageOptions}`);
if (stage !== "stable") {
const version = semver.parse(extensionVersion);
if (version.prerelease.length > 0 || > 0) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseError(`Cannot combine the --stage flag with a version with a prerelease annotation in extension.yaml.`);
let extensionVersions = [];
try {
extensionVersions = await (0, extensionsApi_1.listExtensionVersions)(ref, `id="${version.version}"`, true);
catch (e) {
const latestVersion = (_a = extensionVersions
.map((version) => semver.parse(version.spec.version))
.filter((version) => version.prerelease.length > 0 && version.prerelease[0] === stage)
.sort((v1, v2) =>, v2))
.pop()) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : `${version}-${stage}`;
return, "prerelease", undefined, stage);
return extensionVersion;
exports.incrementPrereleaseVersion = incrementPrereleaseVersion;
async function publishExtensionVersionFromLocalSource(args) {
const extensionSpec = await (0, localHelper_1.getLocalExtensionSpec)(args.rootDirectory);
if ( !== args.extensionId) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseError(`Extension ID '${clc.bold(args.extensionId)}' does not match the name in extension.yaml '${clc.bold(}'.`);
const subbedSpec = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(extensionSpec));
subbedSpec.params = substituteParams(extensionSpec.params || [], exports.AUTOPOULATED_PARAM_PLACEHOLDERS);
extensionSpec.version = await incrementPrereleaseVersion(`${args.publisherId}/${args.extensionId}`, extensionSpec.version, args.stage);
let extension;
try {
extension = await (0, extensionsApi_1.getExtension)(`${args.publisherId}/${args.extensionId}`);
catch (err) {
let notes;
try {
const changes = (0, change_log_1.getLocalChangelog)(args.rootDirectory);
notes = changes[extensionSpec.version];
catch (err) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseError("No file found. " +
"Please create one and add an entry for this version. " +
marked("See for more details."));
if (!notes && !semver.prerelease(extensionSpec.version) && extension) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseError(`No entry for version ${extensionSpec.version} found in ` +
"Please add one so users know what has changed in this version. " +
marked("See for more details."));
displayReleaseNotes(args.publisherId, args.extensionId, extensionSpec.version, notes);
if (!(await confirm({
nonInteractive: args.nonInteractive,
force: args.force,
default: false,
}))) {
if (extension &&
extension.latestVersion &&, extension.latestVersion)) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseError(`The version you are trying to publish (${clc.bold(extensionSpec.version)}) is lower than the current version (${clc.bold(extension.latestVersion)}) for the extension '${clc.bold(`${args.publisherId}/${args.extensionId}`)}'. Please make sure this version is greater than the current version (${clc.bold(extension.latestVersion)}) inside of extension.yaml.\n`, { exit: 104 });
else if (extension &&
extension.latestVersion &&
semver.eq(extensionSpec.version, extension.latestVersion)) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseError(`The version you are trying to publish (${clc.bold(extensionSpec.version)}) already exists for the extension '${clc.bold(`${args.publisherId}/${args.extensionId}`)}'. Please increment the version inside of extension.yaml.\n`, { exit: 103 });
const ref = `${args.publisherId}/${args.extensionId}@${extensionSpec.version}`;
let packageUri;
let objectPath = "";
const uploadSpinner = ora(" Archiving and uploading extension source code");
try {
objectPath = await archiveAndUploadSource(args.rootDirectory, exports.EXTENSIONS_BUCKET_NAME);
uploadSpinner.succeed(" Uploaded extension source code");
packageUri = api_1.storageOrigin + objectPath + "?alt=media";
catch (err) {;
throw new error_1.FirebaseError(`Failed to archive and upload extension source, ${err}`, {
original: err,
const publishSpinner = ora(`Publishing ${clc.bold(ref)}`);
let res;
try {
res = await (0, extensionsApi_1.publishExtensionVersion)(ref, packageUri);
publishSpinner.succeed(` Successfully published ${clc.bold(ref)}`);
catch (err) {;
if (err.status === 404) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseError(marked(`Couldn't find publisher ID '${clc.bold(args.publisherId)}'. Please ensure that you have registered this ID. To register as a publisher, you can check out the [Firebase documentation]( for step-by-step instructions.`));
throw err;
await deleteUploadedSource(objectPath);
return res;
exports.publishExtensionVersionFromLocalSource = publishExtensionVersionFromLocalSource;
async function createSourceFromLocation(projectId, sourceUri) {
const extensionRoot = "/";
let packageUri;
let objectPath = "";
const spinner = ora(" Archiving and uploading extension source code");
try {
objectPath = await archiveAndUploadSource(sourceUri, exports.EXTENSIONS_BUCKET_NAME);
spinner.succeed(" Uploaded extension source code");
packageUri = api_1.storageOrigin + objectPath + "?alt=media";
const res = await (0, extensionsApi_1.createSource)(projectId, packageUri, extensionRoot);
logger_1.logger.debug("Created new Extension Source %s",;
await deleteUploadedSource(objectPath);
return res;
catch (err) {;
throw new error_1.FirebaseError(`Failed to archive and upload extension source from ${sourceUri}, ${err}`, {
original: err,
exports.createSourceFromLocation = createSourceFromLocation;
async function deleteUploadedSource(objectPath) {
if (objectPath.length) {
try {
await (0, storage_1.deleteObject)(objectPath);
logger_1.logger.debug("Cleaned up uploaded source archive");
catch (err) {
logger_1.logger.debug("Unable to clean up uploaded source archive");
function getPublisherProjectFromName(publisherName) {
const publisherNameRegex = /projects\/.+\/publisherProfile/;
if (publisherNameRegex.test(publisherName)) {
const [_, projectNumber, __] = publisherName.split("/");
return Number.parseInt(projectNumber);
throw new error_1.FirebaseError(`Could not find publisher with name '${publisherName}'.`);
exports.getPublisherProjectFromName = getPublisherProjectFromName;
function displayReleaseNotes(publisherId, extensionId, versionId, releaseNotes) {
const releaseNotesMessage = releaseNotes
? ` Release notes for this version:\n${marked(releaseNotes)}\n`
: "\n";
const message = `You are about to publish version ${} of ${`${publisherId}/${extensionId}`)} to Firebase's registry of extensions.${releaseNotesMessage}` +
"Once an extension version is published, it cannot be changed. If you wish to make changes after publishing, you will need to publish a new version.\n\n";;
exports.displayReleaseNotes = displayReleaseNotes;
async function promptForOfficialExtension(message) {
const officialExts = await (0, resolveSource_1.getExtensionRegistry)(true);
return await (0, prompt_1.promptOnce)({
name: "input",
type: "list",
choices: (0, utils_1.convertOfficialExtensionsToList)(officialExts),
pageSize: Object.keys(officialExts).length,
exports.promptForOfficialExtension = promptForOfficialExtension;
async function promptForRepeatInstance(projectName, extensionName) {
const message = `An extension with the ID '${clc.bold(extensionName)}' already exists in the project '${clc.bold(projectName)}'. What would you like to do?`;
const choices = [
{ name: "Update or reconfigure the existing instance", value: "updateExisting" },
{ name: "Install a new instance with a different ID", value: "installNew" },
{ name: "Cancel extension installation", value: "cancel" },
return await (0, prompt_1.promptOnce)({
type: "list",
exports.promptForRepeatInstance = promptForRepeatInstance;
async function instanceIdExists(projectId, instanceId) {
try {
await (0, extensionsApi_1.getInstance)(projectId, instanceId);
catch (err) {
if (err instanceof error_1.FirebaseError) {
if (err.status === 404) {
return false;
const msg = `Unexpected error when checking if instance ID exists: ${err}`;
throw new error_1.FirebaseError(msg, {
original: err,
else {
throw err;
return true;
exports.instanceIdExists = instanceIdExists;
function isUrlPath(extInstallPath) {
return extInstallPath.startsWith("https:");
exports.isUrlPath = isUrlPath;
function isLocalPath(extInstallPath) {
const trimmedPath = extInstallPath.trim();
return (trimmedPath.startsWith("~/") ||
trimmedPath.startsWith("./") ||
trimmedPath.startsWith("../") ||
trimmedPath.startsWith("/") ||
[".", ".."].includes(trimmedPath));
exports.isLocalPath = isLocalPath;
function isLocalOrURLPath(extInstallPath) {
return isLocalPath(extInstallPath) || isUrlPath(extInstallPath);
exports.isLocalOrURLPath = isLocalOrURLPath;
function getSourceOrigin(sourceOrVersion) {
if (isLocalPath(sourceOrVersion)) {
return SourceOrigin.LOCAL;
if (isUrlPath(sourceOrVersion)) {
return SourceOrigin.URL;
if (sourceOrVersion.includes("/")) {
let ref;
try {
ref = refs.parse(sourceOrVersion);
catch (err) {
if (ref && ref.publisherId && ref.extensionId && !ref.version) {
return SourceOrigin.PUBLISHED_EXTENSION;
else if (ref && ref.publisherId && ref.extensionId && ref.version) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseError(`Could not find source '${clc.bold(sourceOrVersion)}'. Check to make sure the source is correct, and then please try again.`);
exports.getSourceOrigin = getSourceOrigin;
async function confirm(args) {
if (!args.nonInteractive && !args.force) {
const message = `Do you wish to continue?`;
return await (0, prompt_1.promptOnce)({
type: "confirm",
default: args.default,
else if (args.nonInteractive && !args.force) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseError("Pass the --force flag to use this command in non-interactive mode");
else {
return true;
exports.confirm = confirm;
async function diagnoseAndFixProject(options) {
const projectId = (0, projectUtils_1.getProjectId)(options);
if (!projectId) {
const ok = await (0, diagnose_1.diagnose)(projectId);
if (!ok) {
throw new error_1.FirebaseError("Unable to proceed until all issues are resolved.");
exports.diagnoseAndFixProject = diagnoseAndFixProject;
async function canonicalizeRefInput(refInput) {
let inferredRef = refInput;
if (refInput.split("/").length < 2) {
inferredRef = `firebase/${inferredRef}`;
if (refInput.split("@").length < 2) {
inferredRef = `${inferredRef}@latest`;
const ref = refs.parse(inferredRef);
ref.version = await (0, planner_1.resolveVersion)(ref);
return refs.toExtensionVersionRef(ref);
exports.canonicalizeRefInput = canonicalizeRefInput;