"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.runBuildtoolsCommand = exports.fetchBuildtoolsJar = void 0; const fs = require("fs-extra"); const os = require("os"); const path = require("path"); const spawn = require("cross-spawn"); const downloadUtils = require("../downloadUtils"); const error_1 = require("../error"); const logger_1 = require("../logger"); const rimraf = require("rimraf"); const utils = require("../utils"); const JAR_CACHE_DIR = process.env.FIREBASE_CRASHLYTICS_BUILDTOOLS_PATH || path.join(os.homedir(), ".cache", "firebase", "crashlytics", "buildtools"); const JAR_VERSION = "2.9.2"; const JAR_URL = `https://dl.google.com/android/maven2/com/google/firebase/firebase-crashlytics-buildtools/${JAR_VERSION}/firebase-crashlytics-buildtools-${JAR_VERSION}.jar`; async function fetchBuildtoolsJar() { if (process.env.CRASHLYTICS_LOCAL_JAR) { return process.env.CRASHLYTICS_LOCAL_JAR; } const jarPath = path.join(JAR_CACHE_DIR, `crashlytics-buildtools-${JAR_VERSION}.jar`); if (fs.existsSync(jarPath)) { logger_1.logger.debug(`Buildtools Jar already downloaded at ${jarPath}`); return jarPath; } if (fs.existsSync(JAR_CACHE_DIR)) { logger_1.logger.debug(`Deleting Jar cache at ${JAR_CACHE_DIR} because the CLI was run with a newer Jar version`); rimraf.sync(JAR_CACHE_DIR); } utils.logBullet("Downloading crashlytics-buildtools.jar to " + jarPath); utils.logBullet("For open source licenses used by this command, look in the META-INF directory in the buildtools.jar file"); const tmpfile = await downloadUtils.downloadToTmp(JAR_URL); fs.mkdirSync(JAR_CACHE_DIR, { recursive: true }); fs.copySync(tmpfile, jarPath); return jarPath; } exports.fetchBuildtoolsJar = fetchBuildtoolsJar; function runBuildtoolsCommand(jarFile, args, debug) { var _a; const fullArgs = ["-jar", jarFile, ...args, "-clientName", "firebase-cli;crashlytics-buildtools"]; const outputs = spawn.sync("java", fullArgs, { stdio: debug ? "inherit" : "pipe", }); if (outputs.status !== 0) { if (!debug) { utils.logWarning(((_a = outputs.stdout) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.toString()) || "An unknown error occurred"); } throw new error_1.FirebaseError(`java command failed with args: ${fullArgs}`); } } exports.runBuildtoolsCommand = runBuildtoolsCommand;