"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.command = void 0; const { marked } = require("marked"); const TerminalRenderer = require("marked-terminal"); const checkMinRequiredVersion_1 = require("../checkMinRequiredVersion"); const command_1 = require("../command"); const error_1 = require("../error"); const projectUtils_1 = require("../projectUtils"); const extensionsApi = require("../extensions/extensionsApi"); const extensionsHelper_1 = require("../extensions/extensionsHelper"); const paramHelper = require("../extensions/paramHelper"); const requirePermissions_1 = require("../requirePermissions"); const utils = require("../utils"); const logger_1 = require("../logger"); const refs = require("../extensions/refs"); const manifest = require("../extensions/manifest"); const functional_1 = require("../functional"); const paramHelper_1 = require("../extensions/paramHelper"); const askUserForEventsConfig = require("../extensions/askUserForEventsConfig"); marked.setOptions({ renderer: new TerminalRenderer(), }); exports.command = new command_1.Command("ext:configure ") .description("configure an existing extension instance") .withForce() .option("--local", "deprecated") .before(requirePermissions_1.requirePermissions, [ "firebaseextensions.instances.update", "firebaseextensions.instances.get", ]) .before(checkMinRequiredVersion_1.checkMinRequiredVersion, "extMinVersion") .before(extensionsHelper_1.diagnoseAndFixProject) .action(async (instanceId, options) => { var _a; const projectId = (0, projectUtils_1.getProjectId)(options); if (options.nonInteractive) { throw new error_1.FirebaseError(`Command not supported in non-interactive mode, edit ./extensions/${instanceId}.env directly instead. ` + `See https://firebase.google.com/docs/extensions/manifest for more details.`); } if (options.local) { utils.logLabeledWarning(extensionsHelper_1.logPrefix, "As of firebase-tools@11.0.0, the `--local` flag is no longer required, as it is the default behavior."); } const config = manifest.loadConfig(options); const refOrPath = manifest.getInstanceTarget(instanceId, config); const isLocalSource = (0, extensionsHelper_1.isLocalPath)(refOrPath); let spec; if (isLocalSource) { const source = await (0, extensionsHelper_1.createSourceFromLocation)((0, projectUtils_1.needProjectId)({ projectId }), refOrPath); spec = source.spec; } else { const extensionVersion = await extensionsApi.getExtensionVersion(refOrPath); spec = extensionVersion.spec; } const oldParamValues = manifest.readInstanceParam({ instanceId, projectDir: config.projectDir, }); const [immutableParams, tbdParams] = (0, functional_1.partition)(spec.params.concat((_a = spec.systemParams) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : []), (param) => { var _a; return (_a = param.immutable) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : false; }); infoImmutableParams(immutableParams, oldParamValues); paramHelper.setNewDefaults(tbdParams, oldParamValues); const mutableParamsBindingOptions = await paramHelper.getParams({ projectId, paramSpecs: tbdParams, nonInteractive: false, paramsEnvPath: "", instanceId, reconfiguring: true, }); const eventsConfig = spec.events ? await askUserForEventsConfig.askForEventsConfig(spec.events, "${param:PROJECT_ID}", instanceId) : undefined; if (eventsConfig) { mutableParamsBindingOptions.EVENTARC_CHANNEL = { baseValue: eventsConfig.channel }; mutableParamsBindingOptions.ALLOWED_EVENT_TYPES = { baseValue: eventsConfig.allowedEventTypes.join(","), }; } const newParamOptions = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, (0, paramHelper_1.buildBindingOptionsWithBaseValue)(oldParamValues)), mutableParamsBindingOptions); await manifest.writeToManifest([ { instanceId, ref: !isLocalSource ? refs.parse(refOrPath) : undefined, localPath: isLocalSource ? refOrPath : undefined, params: newParamOptions, extensionSpec: spec, }, ], config, { nonInteractive: false, force: true, }); manifest.showPostDeprecationNotice(); return; }); function infoImmutableParams(immutableParams, paramValues) { if (!immutableParams.length) { return; } const plural = immutableParams.length > 1; utils.logLabeledWarning(extensionsHelper_1.logPrefix, marked(`The following param${plural ? "s are" : " is"} immutable and won't be changed:`)); for (const { param } of immutableParams) { logger_1.logger.info(`param: ${param}, value: ${paramValues[param]}`); } logger_1.logger.info((plural ? "To set different values for these params" : "To set a different value for this param") + ", uninstall the extension, then install a new instance of this extension."); }