GSI - Employe Self Service Mobile
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

307 lines
14 KiB

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.getInquirerDefault = exports.promptCreateSecret = exports.askForParam = exports.ask = exports.checkResponse = exports.SecretLocation = void 0;
const _ = require("lodash");
const clc = require("colorette");
const { marked } = require("marked");
const types_1 = require("./types");
const secretManagerApi = require("../gcp/secretManager");
const secretsUtils = require("./secretsUtils");
const extensionsHelper_1 = require("./extensionsHelper");
const utils_1 = require("./utils");
const logger_1 = require("../logger");
const prompt_1 = require("../prompt");
const utils = require("../utils");
const projectUtils_1 = require("../projectUtils");
var SecretLocation;
(function (SecretLocation) {
SecretLocation[SecretLocation["CLOUD"] = 1] = "CLOUD";
SecretLocation[SecretLocation["LOCAL"] = 2] = "LOCAL";
})(SecretLocation = exports.SecretLocation || (exports.SecretLocation = {}));
var SecretUpdateAction;
(function (SecretUpdateAction) {
SecretUpdateAction[SecretUpdateAction["LEAVE"] = 1] = "LEAVE";
SecretUpdateAction[SecretUpdateAction["SET_NEW"] = 2] = "SET_NEW";
})(SecretUpdateAction || (SecretUpdateAction = {}));
function checkResponse(response, spec) {
var _a;
let valid = true;
let responses;
if (spec.required && (response === "" || response === undefined)) {
utils.logWarning(`Param ${spec.param} is required, but no value was provided.`);
return false;
if (spec.type === types_1.ParamType.MULTISELECT) {
responses = response.split(",");
else {
responses = [response];
if (spec.validationRegex && !!response) {
const re = new RegExp(spec.validationRegex);
for (const resp of responses) {
if ((spec.required || resp !== "") && !re.test(resp)) {
const genericWarn = `${resp} is not a valid value for ${spec.param} since it` +
` does not meet the requirements of the regex validation: "${spec.validationRegex}"`;
utils.logWarning(spec.validationErrorMessage || genericWarn);
valid = false;
if (spec.type && (spec.type === types_1.ParamType.MULTISELECT || spec.type === types_1.ParamType.SELECT)) {
for (const r of responses) {
const validChoice = (_a = spec.options) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.some((option) => r === option.value);
if (r && !validChoice) {
utils.logWarning(`${r} is not a valid option for ${spec.param}.`);
valid = false;
return valid;
exports.checkResponse = checkResponse;
async function ask(args) {
if (_.isEmpty(args.paramSpecs)) {
logger_1.logger.debug("No params were specified for this extension.");
return {};
utils.logLabeledBullet(extensionsHelper_1.logPrefix, "answer the questions below to configure your extension:");
const substituted = (0, extensionsHelper_1.substituteParams)(args.paramSpecs, args.firebaseProjectParams);
const result = {};
const promises = => {
return async () => {
result[paramSpec.param] = await askForParam({
projectId: args.projectId,
instanceId: args.instanceId,
paramSpec: paramSpec,
reconfiguring: args.reconfiguring,
await promises.reduce((prev, cur) => prev.then(cur), Promise.resolve());;
return result;
exports.ask = ask;
async function askForParam(args) {
const paramSpec = args.paramSpec;
let valid = false;
let response = "";
let responseForLocal;
let secretLocations = [];
const description = paramSpec.description || "";
const label = paramSpec.label.trim();`\n${clc.bold(label)}${clc.bold(paramSpec.required ? "" : " (Optional)")}: ${marked(description).trim()}`);
while (!valid) {
switch (paramSpec.type) {
case types_1.ParamType.SELECT:
response = await (0, prompt_1.promptOnce)({
name: "input",
type: "list",
default: () => {
if (paramSpec.default) {
return getInquirerDefault(_.get(paramSpec, "options", []), paramSpec.default);
message: "Which option do you want enabled for this parameter? " +
"Select an option with the arrow keys, and use Enter to confirm your choice. " +
"You may only select one option.",
choices: (0, utils_1.convertExtensionOptionToLabeledList)(paramSpec.options),
valid = checkResponse(response, paramSpec);
case types_1.ParamType.MULTISELECT:
response = await (0, utils_1.onceWithJoin)({
name: "input",
type: "checkbox",
default: () => {
if (paramSpec.default) {
const defaults = paramSpec.default.split(",");
return => {
return getInquirerDefault(_.get(paramSpec, "options", []), def);
message: "Which options do you want enabled for this parameter? " +
"Press Space to select, then Enter to confirm your choices. ",
choices: (0, utils_1.convertExtensionOptionToLabeledList)(paramSpec.options),
valid = checkResponse(response, paramSpec);
case types_1.ParamType.SECRET:
do {
secretLocations = await promptSecretLocations(paramSpec);
} while (!isValidSecretLocations(secretLocations, paramSpec));
if (secretLocations.includes(SecretLocation.CLOUD.toString())) {
const projectId = (0, projectUtils_1.needProjectId)({ projectId: args.projectId });
response = args.reconfiguring
? await promptReconfigureSecret(projectId, args.instanceId, paramSpec)
: await promptCreateSecret(projectId, args.instanceId, paramSpec);
if (secretLocations.includes(SecretLocation.LOCAL.toString())) {
responseForLocal = await promptLocalSecret(args.instanceId, paramSpec);
valid = true;
response = await (0, prompt_1.promptOnce)({
name: paramSpec.param,
type: "input",
default: paramSpec.default,
message: `Enter a value for ${label}:`,
valid = checkResponse(response, paramSpec);
return Object.assign({ baseValue: response }, (responseForLocal ? { local: responseForLocal } : {}));
exports.askForParam = askForParam;
function isValidSecretLocations(secretLocations, paramSpec) {
if (paramSpec.required) {
return !!secretLocations.length;
return true;
async function promptSecretLocations(paramSpec) {
if (paramSpec.required) {
return await (0, prompt_1.promptOnce)({
name: "input",
type: "checkbox",
message: "Where would you like to store your secrets? You must select at least one value",
choices: [
checked: true,
name: "Google Cloud Secret Manager (Used by deployed extensions and emulator)",
value: SecretLocation.CLOUD.toString(),
checked: false,
name: "Local file (Used by emulator only)",
value: SecretLocation.LOCAL.toString(),
return await (0, prompt_1.promptOnce)({
name: "input",
type: "checkbox",
message: "Where would you like to store your secrets? " +
"If you don't want to set this optional secret, leave both options unselected to skip it",
choices: [
checked: false,
name: "Google Cloud Secret Manager (Used by deployed extensions and emulator)",
value: SecretLocation.CLOUD.toString(),
checked: false,
name: "Local file (Used by emulator only)",
value: SecretLocation.LOCAL.toString(),
async function promptLocalSecret(instanceId, paramSpec) {
let value;
do {
utils.logLabeledBullet(extensionsHelper_1.logPrefix, "Configure a local secret value for Extensions Emulator");
value = await (0, prompt_1.promptOnce)({
name: paramSpec.param,
type: "input",
message: `This secret will be stored in ./extensions/${instanceId}.secret.local.\n` +
`Enter value for "${paramSpec.label.trim()}" to be used by Extensions Emulator:`,
} while (!value);
return value;
async function promptReconfigureSecret(projectId, instanceId, paramSpec) {
const action = await (0, prompt_1.promptOnce)({
type: "list",
message: `Choose what you would like to do with this secret:`,
choices: [
{ name: "Leave unchanged", value: SecretUpdateAction.LEAVE },
{ name: "Set new value", value: SecretUpdateAction.SET_NEW },
switch (action) {
case SecretUpdateAction.SET_NEW:
let secret;
let secretName;
if (paramSpec.default) {
secret = secretManagerApi.parseSecretResourceName(paramSpec.default);
secretName =;
else {
secretName = await generateSecretName(projectId, instanceId, paramSpec.param);
const secretValue = await (0, prompt_1.promptOnce)({
name: paramSpec.param,
type: "password",
message: `This secret will be stored in Cloud Secret Manager as ${secretName}.\nEnter new value for ${paramSpec.label.trim()}:`,
if (secretValue === "" && paramSpec.required) {`Secret value cannot be empty for required param ${paramSpec.param}`);
return promptReconfigureSecret(projectId, instanceId, paramSpec);
else if (secretValue !== "") {
if (checkResponse(secretValue, paramSpec)) {
if (!secret) {
secret = await secretManagerApi.createSecret(projectId, secretName, secretsUtils.getSecretLabels(instanceId));
return addNewSecretVersion(projectId, instanceId, secret, paramSpec, secretValue);
else {
return promptReconfigureSecret(projectId, instanceId, paramSpec);
else {
return "";
case SecretUpdateAction.LEAVE:
return paramSpec.default || "";
async function promptCreateSecret(projectId, instanceId, paramSpec, secretName) {
const name = secretName !== null && secretName !== void 0 ? secretName : (await generateSecretName(projectId, instanceId, paramSpec.param));
const secretValue = await (0, prompt_1.promptOnce)({
name: paramSpec.param,
type: "password",
default: paramSpec.default,
message: `This secret will be stored in Cloud Secret Manager ( as ${name} and managed by Firebase Extensions (Firebase Extensions Service Agent will be granted Secret Admin role on this secret).\nEnter a value for ${paramSpec.label.trim()}:`,
if (secretValue === "" && paramSpec.required) {`Secret value cannot be empty for required param ${paramSpec.param}`);
return promptCreateSecret(projectId, instanceId, paramSpec, name);
else if (secretValue !== "") {
if (checkResponse(secretValue, paramSpec)) {
const secret = await secretManagerApi.createSecret(projectId, name, secretsUtils.getSecretLabels(instanceId));
return addNewSecretVersion(projectId, instanceId, secret, paramSpec, secretValue);
else {
return promptCreateSecret(projectId, instanceId, paramSpec, name);
else {
return "";
exports.promptCreateSecret = promptCreateSecret;
async function generateSecretName(projectId, instanceId, paramName) {
let secretName = `ext-${instanceId}-${paramName}`;
while (await secretManagerApi.secretExists(projectId, secretName)) {
secretName += `-${(0, utils_1.getRandomString)(3)}`;
return secretName;
async function addNewSecretVersion(projectId, instanceId, secret, paramSpec, secretValue) {
const version = await secretManagerApi.addVersion(projectId,, secretValue);
await secretsUtils.grantFirexServiceAgentSecretAdminRole(secret);
return `projects/${version.secret.projectId}/secrets/${}/versions/${version.versionId}`;
function getInquirerDefault(options, def) {
const defaultOption = options.find((o) => o.value === def);
return defaultOption ? defaultOption.label || defaultOption.value : "";
exports.getInquirerDefault = getInquirerDefault;