GSI - Employe Self Service Mobile
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

577 lines
20 KiB

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.ProfileReport = exports.extractReadableIndex = exports.formatBytes = exports.formatNumber = exports.pathString = exports.extractJSON = void 0;
const clc = require("colorette");
const Table = require("cli-table");
const fs = require("fs");
const _ = require("lodash");
const readline = require("readline");
const error_1 = require("./error");
const logger_1 = require("./logger");
const DATA_LINE_REGEX = /^data: /;
const BANDWIDTH_NOTE = "NOTE: The numbers reported here are only estimates of the data" +
" payloads from read operations. They are NOT a valid measure of your bandwidth bill.";
const SPEED_NOTE = "NOTE: Speeds are reported at millisecond resolution and" +
" are not the latencies that clients will see. Pending times" +
" are also reported at millisecond resolution. They approximate" +
" the interval of time between the instant a request is received" +
" and the instant it executes.";
const COLLAPSE_WILDCARD = ["$wildcard"];
function extractJSON(line, input) {
if (!input && !DATA_LINE_REGEX.test(line)) {
return null;
else if (!input) {
line = line.substring(5);
try {
return JSON.parse(line);
catch (e) {
return null;
exports.extractJSON = extractJSON;
function pathString(path) {
return `/${path ? path.join("/") : ""}`;
exports.pathString = pathString;
function formatNumber(num) {
const parts = num.toFixed(2).split(".");
parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
if (+parts[1] === 0) {
return parts[0];
return parts.join(".");
exports.formatNumber = formatNumber;
function formatBytes(bytes) {
const threshold = 1000;
if (Math.round(bytes) < threshold) {
return bytes + " B";
const units = ["kB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"];
let u = -1;
let formattedBytes = bytes;
do {
formattedBytes /= threshold;
} while (Math.abs(formattedBytes) >= threshold && u < units.length - 1);
return formatNumber(formattedBytes) + " " + units[u];
exports.formatBytes = formatBytes;
function extractReadableIndex(query) {
if (query.orderBy) {
return query.orderBy;
const indexPath = _.get(query, "index.path");
if (indexPath) {
return pathString(indexPath);
return ".value";
exports.extractReadableIndex = extractReadableIndex;
class ProfileReport {
constructor(tmpFile, outStream, options = {}) {
this.tempFile = tmpFile;
this.output = outStream;
this.options = options;
this.state = {
outband: {},
inband: {},
writeSpeed: {},
broadcastSpeed: {},
readSpeed: {},
connectSpeed: {},
disconnectSpeed: {},
unlistenSpeed: {},
unindexed: {},
startTime: 0,
endTime: 0,
opCount: 0,
collectUnindexed(data, path) {
if (!data.unIndexed) {
if (!this.state.unindexed.path) {
this.state.unindexed[path] = {};
const pathNode = this.state.unindexed[path];
const query = data.querySet[0];
const index = JSON.stringify(query.index);
if (!pathNode[index]) {
pathNode[index] = {
times: 0,
query: query,
const indexNode = pathNode[index];
indexNode.times += 1;
collectSpeedUnpathed(data, opStats) {
if (Object.keys(opStats).length === 0) {
opStats.times = 0;
opStats.millis = 0;
opStats.pendingCount = 0;
opStats.pendingTime = 0;
opStats.rejected = 0;
opStats.times += 1;
if (data.hasOwnProperty("millis")) {
opStats.millis += data.millis;
if (data.hasOwnProperty("pendingTime")) {
opStats.pendingTime += data.pendingTime;
if (data.allowed === false) {
opStats.rejected += 1;
collectSpeed(data, path, opType) {
if (!opType[path]) {
opType[path] = {
times: 0,
millis: 0,
pendingCount: 0,
pendingTime: 0,
rejected: 0,
const node = opType[path];
node.times += 1;
if (data.hasOwnProperty("millis")) {
node.millis += data.millis;
if (data.hasOwnProperty("pendingTime")) {
node.pendingTime += data.pendingTime;
if (data.allowed === false) {
node.rejected += 1;
collectBandwidth(bytes, path, direction) {
if (!direction[path]) {
direction[path] = {
times: 0,
bytes: 0,
const node = direction[path];
node.times += 1;
node.bytes += bytes;
collectRead(data, path, bytes) {
this.collectSpeed(data, path, this.state.readSpeed);
this.collectBandwidth(bytes, path, this.state.outband);
collectBroadcast(data, path, bytes) {
this.collectSpeed(data, path, this.state.broadcastSpeed);
this.collectBandwidth(bytes, path, this.state.outband);
collectUnlisten(data, path) {
this.collectSpeed(data, path, this.state.unlistenSpeed);
collectConnect(data) {
this.collectSpeedUnpathed(data, this.state.connectSpeed);
collectDisconnect(data) {
this.collectSpeedUnpathed(data, this.state.disconnectSpeed);
collectWrite(data, path, bytes) {
this.collectSpeed(data, path, this.state.writeSpeed);
this.collectBandwidth(bytes, path, this.state.inband);
processOperation(data) {
if (!this.state.startTime) {
this.state.startTime = data.timestamp;
this.state.endTime = data.timestamp;
const path = pathString(data.path);
switch ( {
case "concurrent-connect":
case "concurrent-disconnect":
case "realtime-read":
this.collectRead(data, path, data.bytes);
case "realtime-write":
this.collectWrite(data, path, data.bytes);
case "realtime-transaction":
this.collectWrite(data, path, data.bytes);
case "realtime-update":
this.collectWrite(data, path, data.bytes);
case "listener-listen":
this.collectRead(data, path, data.bytes);
this.collectUnindexed(data, path);
case "listener-broadcast":
this.collectBroadcast(data, path, data.bytes);
case "listener-unlisten":
this.collectUnlisten(data, path);
case "rest-read":
this.collectRead(data, path, data.bytes);
case "rest-write":
this.collectWrite(data, path, data.bytes);
case "rest-update":
this.collectWrite(data, path, data.bytes);
collapsePaths(pathedObject, combiner, pathIndex = 1) {
if (!this.options.collapse) {
return pathedObject;
const allSegments = Object.keys(pathedObject).map((path) => {
return path.split("/").filter((s) => {
return s !== "";
const pathSegments = allSegments.filter((segments) => {
return segments.length > pathIndex;
const otherSegments = allSegments.filter((segments) => {
return segments.length <= pathIndex;
if (pathSegments.length === 0) {
return pathedObject;
const prefixes = {};
pathSegments.forEach((segments) => {
const prefixPath = pathString(segments.slice(0, pathIndex));
const prefixCount = _.get(prefixes, prefixPath, new Set());
prefixes[prefixPath] = prefixCount.add(segments[pathIndex]);
const collapsedObject = {};
pathSegments.forEach((segments) => {
const prefix = segments.slice(0, pathIndex);
const prefixPath = pathString(prefix);
const prefixCount = _.get(prefixes, prefixPath);
const originalPath = pathString(segments);
if (prefixCount.size >= COLLAPSE_THRESHOLD) {
const tail = segments.slice(pathIndex + 1);
const collapsedPath = pathString(prefix.concat(COLLAPSE_WILDCARD).concat(tail));
const currentValue = collapsedObject[collapsedPath];
if (currentValue) {
collapsedObject[collapsedPath] = combiner(currentValue, pathedObject[originalPath]);
else {
collapsedObject[collapsedPath] = pathedObject[originalPath];
else {
collapsedObject[originalPath] = pathedObject[originalPath];
otherSegments.forEach((segments) => {
const originalPath = pathString(segments);
collapsedObject[originalPath] = pathedObject[originalPath];
return this.collapsePaths(collapsedObject, combiner, pathIndex + 1);
renderUnindexedData() {
const table = new Table({
head: ["Path", "Index", "Count"],
style: {
head: this.options.isFile ? [] : ["yellow"],
border: this.options.isFile ? [] : ["grey"],
const unindexed = this.collapsePaths(this.state.unindexed, (u1, u2) => {
_.mergeWith(u1, u2, (p1, p2) => {
return {
times: p1.times + p2.times,
query: p1.query,
const paths = Object.keys(unindexed);
for (const path of paths) {
const indices = Object.keys(unindexed[path]);
for (const index of indices) {
const data = unindexed[path][index];
const row = [path, extractReadableIndex(data.query), formatNumber(data.times)];
return table;
renderBandwidth(pureData) {
const table = new Table({
head: ["Path", "Total", "Count", "Average"],
style: {
head: this.options.isFile ? [] : ["yellow"],
border: this.options.isFile ? [] : ["grey"],
const data = this.collapsePaths(pureData, (b1, b2) => {
return {
bytes: b1.bytes + b2.bytes,
times: b1.times + b2.times,
const paths = Object.keys(data).sort((a, b) => {
return data[b].bytes - data[a].bytes;
for (const path of paths) {
const bandwidth = data[path];
const row = [
formatBytes(bandwidth.bytes / bandwidth.times),
return table;
renderOutgoingBandwidth() {
return this.renderBandwidth(this.state.outband);
renderIncomingBandwidth() {
return this.renderBandwidth(this.state.inband);
renderUnpathedOperationSpeed(speedData, hasSecurity = false) {
const head = ["Count", "Average Execution Speed", "Average Pending Time"];
if (hasSecurity) {
head.push("Permission Denied");
const table = new Table({
head: head,
style: {
head: this.options.isFile ? [] : ["yellow"],
border: this.options.isFile ? [] : ["grey"],
if (Object.keys(speedData).length > 0) {
const row = [
formatNumber(speedData.millis / speedData.times) + " ms",
formatNumber(speedData.pendingCount === 0 ? 0 : speedData.pendingTime / speedData.pendingCount) + " ms",
if (hasSecurity) {
return table;
renderOperationSpeed(pureData, hasSecurity = false) {
const head = ["Path", "Count", "Average Execution Speed", "Average Pending Time"];
if (hasSecurity) {
head.push("Permission Denied");
const table = new Table({
head: head,
style: {
head: this.options.isFile ? [] : ["yellow"],
border: this.options.isFile ? [] : ["grey"],
const data = this.collapsePaths(pureData, (s1, s2) => {
return {
times: s1.times + s2.times,
millis: s1.millis + s2.millis,
pendingCount: s1.pendingCount + s2.pendingCount,
pendingTime: s1.pendingTime + s2.pendingTime,
rejected: s1.rejected + s2.rejected,
const paths = Object.keys(data).sort((a, b) => {
const speedA = data[a].millis / data[a].times;
const speedB = data[b].millis / data[b].times;
return speedB - speedA;
for (const path of paths) {
const speed = data[path];
const row = [
formatNumber(speed.millis / speed.times) + " ms",
formatNumber(speed.pendingCount === 0 ? 0 : speed.pendingTime / speed.pendingCount) + " ms",
if (hasSecurity) {
return table;
renderReadSpeed() {
return this.renderOperationSpeed(this.state.readSpeed, true);
renderWriteSpeed() {
return this.renderOperationSpeed(this.state.writeSpeed, true);
renderBroadcastSpeed() {
return this.renderOperationSpeed(this.state.broadcastSpeed, false);
renderConnectSpeed() {
return this.renderUnpathedOperationSpeed(this.state.connectSpeed, false);
renderDisconnectSpeed() {
return this.renderUnpathedOperationSpeed(this.state.disconnectSpeed, false);
renderUnlistenSpeed() {
return this.renderOperationSpeed(this.state.unlistenSpeed, false);
async parse(onLine, onClose) {
const isFile = this.options.isFile;
const tmpFile = this.tempFile;
const outStream = this.output;
const isInput = this.options.isInput;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: fs.createReadStream(tmpFile),
let errored = false;
rl.on("line", (line) => {
const data = extractJSON(line, isInput);
if (!data) {
rl.on("close", () => {
if (errored) {
reject(new error_1.FirebaseError("There was an error creating the report."));
else {
const result = onClose();
if (isFile) {
outStream.on("finish", () => {
else {
rl.on("error", () => {
outStream.on("error", () => {
errored = true;
write(data) {
if (this.options.isFile) {
else {;
generate() {
if (this.options.format === "TXT") {
return this.generateText();
else if (this.options.format === "RAW") {
return this.generateRaw();
else if (this.options.format === "JSON") {
return this.generateJson();
throw new error_1.FirebaseError('Invalid report format expected "TXT", "JSON", or "RAW"');
generateRaw() {
return this.parse(this.writeRaw.bind(this), () => {
return null;
writeRaw(data) {
this.write(JSON.stringify(data) + "\n");
generateText() {
return this.parse(this.processOperation.bind(this), this.outputText.bind(this));
outputText() {
const totalTime = this.state.endTime - this.state.startTime;
const isFile = this.options.isFile;
const write = this.write.bind(this);
const writeTitle = (title) => {
if (isFile) {
write(title + "\n");
else {
write(clc.bold(clc.yellow(title)) + "\n");
const writeTable = (title, table) => {
write(table.toString() + "\n");
writeTitle(`Report operations collected from ${new Date(this.state.startTime).toISOString()} over ${totalTime} ms.`);
writeTitle("Speed Report\n");
write(SPEED_NOTE + "\n\n");
writeTable("Read Speed", this.renderReadSpeed());
writeTable("Write Speed", this.renderWriteSpeed());
writeTable("Broadcast Speed", this.renderBroadcastSpeed());
writeTable("Connect Speed", this.renderConnectSpeed());
writeTable("Disconnect Speed", this.renderDisconnectSpeed());
writeTable("Unlisten Speed", this.renderUnlistenSpeed());
writeTitle("Bandwidth Report\n");
write(BANDWIDTH_NOTE + "\n\n");
writeTable("Downloaded Bytes", this.renderOutgoingBandwidth());
writeTable("Uploaded Bytes", this.renderIncomingBandwidth());
writeTable("Unindexed Queries", this.renderUnindexedData());
generateJson() {
return this.parse(this.processOperation.bind(this), this.outputJson.bind(this));
outputJson() {
const totalTime = this.state.endTime - this.state.startTime;
const tableToJson = (table, note) => {
const json = {
legend: table.options.head,
data: [],
if (note) {
json.note = note;
table.forEach((row) => {;
return json;
const json = {
totalTime: totalTime,
readSpeed: tableToJson(this.renderReadSpeed(), SPEED_NOTE),
writeSpeed: tableToJson(this.renderWriteSpeed(), SPEED_NOTE),
broadcastSpeed: tableToJson(this.renderBroadcastSpeed(), SPEED_NOTE),
connectSpeed: tableToJson(this.renderConnectSpeed(), SPEED_NOTE),
disconnectSpeed: tableToJson(this.renderDisconnectSpeed(), SPEED_NOTE),
unlistenSpeed: tableToJson(this.renderUnlistenSpeed(), SPEED_NOTE),
downloadedBytes: tableToJson(this.renderOutgoingBandwidth(), BANDWIDTH_NOTE),
uploadedBytes: tableToJson(this.renderIncomingBandwidth(), BANDWIDTH_NOTE),
unindexedQueries: tableToJson(this.renderUnindexedData()),
this.write(JSON.stringify(json, null, 2));
if (this.options.isFile) {
return this.output.path;
return json;
exports.ProfileReport = ProfileReport;