"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.command = void 0; const colorette_1 = require("colorette"); const { marked } = require("marked"); const command_1 = require("../command"); const utils_1 = require("../utils"); const api_1 = require("../hosting/api"); const prompt_1 = require("../prompt"); const requireHostingSite_1 = require("../requireHostingSite"); const requirePermissions_1 = require("../requirePermissions"); const projectUtils_1 = require("../projectUtils"); const requireConfig_1 = require("../requireConfig"); const logger_1 = require("../logger"); exports.command = new command_1.Command("hosting:channel:delete ") .description("delete a Firebase Hosting channel") .withForce() .option("--site ", "site in which the channel exists") .before(requireConfig_1.requireConfig) .before(requirePermissions_1.requirePermissions, ["firebasehosting.sites.update"]) .before(requireHostingSite_1.requireHostingSite) .action(async (channelId, options) => { const projectId = (0, projectUtils_1.needProjectId)(options); const siteId = options.site; channelId = (0, api_1.normalizeName)(channelId); const channel = await (0, api_1.getChannel)(projectId, siteId, channelId); const confirmed = await (0, prompt_1.promptOnce)({ name: "force", type: "confirm", message: `Are you sure you want to delete the Hosting Channel ${(0, colorette_1.underline)(channelId)} for site ${(0, colorette_1.underline)(siteId)}?`, default: false, }, options); if (!confirmed) { return; } await (0, api_1.deleteChannel)(projectId, siteId, channelId); if (channel) { try { await (0, api_1.removeAuthDomain)(projectId, channel.url); } catch (e) { (0, utils_1.logLabeledWarning)("hosting:channel", marked(`Unable to remove channel domain from Firebase Auth. Visit the Firebase Console at ${(0, utils_1.consoleUrl)(projectId, "/authentication/providers")}`)); logger_1.logger.debug("[hosting] unable to remove auth domain", e); } } (0, utils_1.logLabeledSuccess)("hosting:channels", `Successfully deleted channel ${(0, colorette_1.bold)(channelId)} for site ${(0, colorette_1.bold)(siteId)}.`); });