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2 months ago
  1. export { A as ActionCodeOperation, ad as ActionCodeURL, H as AuthCredential, D as AuthErrorCodes, I as EmailAuthCredential, M as EmailAuthProvider, N as FacebookAuthProvider, F as FactorId, T as GithubAuthProvider, Q as GoogleAuthProvider, J as OAuthCredential, U as OAuthProvider, O as OperationType, K as PhoneAuthCredential, P as PhoneAuthProvider, m as PhoneMultiFactorGenerator, o as ProviderId, R as RecaptchaVerifier, V as SAMLAuthProvider, S as SignInMethod, W as TwitterAuthProvider, a2 as applyActionCode, t as beforeAuthStateChanged, b as browserLocalPersistence, k as browserPopupRedirectResolver, a as browserSessionPersistence, a3 as checkActionCode, a1 as confirmPasswordReset, G as connectAuthEmulator, a5 as createUserWithEmailAndPassword, B as debugErrorMap, z as deleteUser, aa as fetchSignInMethodsForEmail, al as getAdditionalUserInfo, n as getAuth, ai as getIdToken, aj as getIdTokenResult, an as getMultiFactorResolver, j as getRedirectResult, L as inMemoryPersistence, i as indexedDBLocalPersistence, E as initializeAuth, a8 as isSignInWithEmailLink, Z as linkWithCredential, l as linkWithPhoneNumber, d as linkWithPopup, g as linkWithRedirect, ao as multiFactor, v as onAuthStateChanged, q as onIdTokenChanged, ae as parseActionCodeURL, C as prodErrorMap, _ as reauthenticateWithCredential, r as reauthenticateWithPhoneNumber, e as reauthenticateWithPopup, h as reauthenticateWithRedirect, am as reload, ab as sendEmailVerification, a0 as sendPasswordResetEmail, a7 as sendSignInLinkToEmail, p as setPersistence, X as signInAnonymously, Y as signInWithCredential, $ as signInWithCustomToken, a6 as signInWithEmailAndPassword, a9 as signInWithEmailLink, s as signInWithPhoneNumber, c as signInWithPopup, f as signInWithRedirect, y as signOut, ak as unlink, x as updateCurrentUser, ag as updateEmail, ah as updatePassword, u as updatePhoneNumber, af as updateProfile, w as useDeviceLanguage, ac as verifyBeforeUpdateEmail, a4 as verifyPasswordResetCode } from './index-67ff6dfa.js';
  2. import '@firebase/util';
  3. import '@firebase/app';
  4. import 'tslib';
  5. import '@firebase/logger';
  6. import '@firebase/component';
  7. import 'node-fetch';
  8. //#